Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Heighington Station

In this month's Tales from the Rails

Experience the birth and transformation of the world's earliest railway station

This month’s podcast is all about the S&DR’s station at Heighington on Aycliffe Lane, located half way between Shildon and Darlington.

In 1826 the railway company commissioned a number of important buildings including a ‘cottage’ at Heighington. This cottage had many of the functions of a railway station at a time when such a thing had not yet been invented. As such it was recently upgraded to being a grade II* listed building and is now known as the world’s earliest railway station.

We also look into the life of John Falcus Carter who was appointed as a mason and clerk of works to the S&DR on numerous occasions. One of his many jobs was to design and oversee the works at Heighington Station.

As usual we will cover the news of the last month and forthcoming events as we steam ahead to 2025.

Thank you once more to Dave Reynolds for composing our theme tune. And thanks also to Lee Morris once again this month. The Darlington based actor from Tall Tales Mysteries features in this podcast as Robert Metcalf.


Links in this Episode: 

Friends of the Stockton & Darlington Railway

Save Heighington Station

Donate to the Save Heighington Station campaign

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S&DR Community Fund

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